New Textures

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King For All

Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews? We have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” Matthew 2:2

Diana woke up filled with joy and wonder as she remembered; this is the day we celebrate our Savior’s birth. She was in awe of the fact that He chose to be born – knowing the torturous death that would come. Just a few days earlier she and her five year old grandson, Joey had watched ‘The Chronicles of Narnia”. Diana had been brought to tears at the stunning illustration of the sacrificial death of our Messiah, Jesus Christ!

Joey, had turned to her with tears in his eyes and said; “Grammy, Jesus had to die for us too huh? Just like Aslan had to die for Edmund”. Diana hugged her young grandson, and said, yes; Jesus did that for us, so we could be with Him, because He loves us so much.” She silently asked God for wisdom and thanked Him for that glimpse of tenderness in her young grandson’s heart. With sorrow and trembling, she thanked Her Father for His precious gift of His son, Jesus. Reflect on exactly what God did for you with this miraculous birth and ask Him for wisdom and diligence as you thank God for the salvation that only the birth and death of Jesus Christ could bring! Just as the wise men did; seek Him with every thing you have!

Recommended Reading: Proverbs 2:1-10

More Sweet

Know also that wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 24:14

As Carol shared the Good News with those around her, she was filled with such blessed peace…for she knew the Holy Spirit was pouring out of her what she had put in. Her delight was Jesus! The wonder of who God is made her want to know Him on an ever more intimate level. The more she learned, the more expectant she became. Soon and very soon, He would come to get her.

Carol knew the secret of today’s passage: that as the Word streamed into her, she would want more and more, because the taste of learning about Jesus is very sweet. She also knew that her future hope was that He would return for her. She could rely on His promise, since He had never let her down.

Are you filled with anticipation for Christ? Don’t neglect the Scriptures. If you aren’t used to a daily study, try it out for size. As you form a habit of reading His Word you, too, will find sweet wisdom for your soul. Sweeter still, you’ll ensure you’re ready when Jesus comes – sooner than you think – to fulfill your greatest hope! K.L.

Recommended Reading: Matthew 25:1-13


I’m currently in the process of transcribing my devotionals that have been published, so please bear with me as I transfer them to this blog. I would love your feedback if you like, dislike, agree or disagree.  Any and all comments are welcome. Of course not all comments will be posted……:D

Run Free!

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints. Ephesians 1:18

Plodding along, the horse could see only his own feet and a smattering of cobblestone road. He had no hope of anything else. His dream of running free in a beautiful clover pasture had died long ago. He couldn’t even remember it. Then one day his owner removed the blinders from his eyes. The horse was startled to see like never before! Along the side of the street were planters filled with brilliantly colored flowers. A bird lifting up off the sidewalk caught his eye. Raising his head to follow the bird’s flight, the horse beheld the beautiful sky. Filled with hope, his dreams renewed, the horse joyfully cantered the rest of the day.

Are you discouraged? Have you even lost your dream? Remove your blinders and focus the eyes of your heart on God…that you may know the hope of His glorious inheritance – your salvation! Immerse yourself in God’s Word daily and pray…remembering that you are assured of His promise to you of eternal life, despite your present affliction or trial. See His faithfulness, and let your heart run free in His hope! K.L.

Recommended Reading: Lamentations 3:19-33

Agape R Us

Do you know the origin of Agape? It’s a greek word which means perfect love. Today we would call that unconditional. This is the love God commands us to have for each other. It’s amazinag how freeing it is to chose to love someone without merit or favor. This is why I chose agaperus as my name. I want to learn to love like that; not only because I want to love, but because God demands that if I chose to call myself a Christian than I need to. Agape R Us; kind of like Toys R Us. We WILL love; that is what we R about. so there you go. I hope you enjoy my blog as I try to write and speak what I think God wants us to know. I’ll have a page dedicated to my published devotionals, one for my art and a nonsense page. If you have any good jokes (clean and appropriate for all ages) post them as a comment. And God bless us everyone!